Dive Log - Saturday 4 June 2011

thumb_DSC_2870_01On Saturday we had some PADI Open Water Diver students who had to do some of their ocean skills as well as a Divemaster in training, and decided to do a shallow dive at what we call Discovery Channel Reef. As we kitted up, we were greeted by the sunrise and a beautiful day. For some of the guys and gals, it was their first dive in a month and they were just amping to dive, no matter what the conditions were!

There was quite a bit of surge and viz was about 4m, but we still had an enjoyable dive as always. At some point on the reef the depth only ranged between 3 and 6 meters explaining why the surge was so strong! Paul got a chance at last to test out his new fisheye lens, and played around with settings while he got swept past the reefs. There was one very large nudi hiding in a crevice, which he managed to capture but the rest of the photos were all blurry. After the dive we were all very hungry and decided to do a breakfast at Savoy hotel while debriefing and paperwork was done. Congrats to Jaco, Annamarie, Tommy and Rodney!