Perhaps you have never dived before and would like to start your underwater journey or just "feel the waters before taking the plunge." You may be an experienced diver and would like to develop and grow further, or you are somebody who have not dived for a while and want to do a refresher.

J-Bay SCUBA has you covered on all bases. We pride ourselves in providing a very personal training and diving experience at the highest standards.

There are a number of courses and options we offer, so feel free to Contact us if you are interested, whether they are listed here or not. We have added the most common options below, including The Open Water 20 and the RAID Explorer 30 (similar to Advanced on other agencies) courses.

For those divers that spent too much time on land, we offer a Refresher where you go over skills with an instructor in the pool, and then head to the ocean to apply those skills.

There are also Try Dive Pool and Ocean options, that are not courses or certifications as such, but they serve as an introduction to SCUBA diving and can be seen as a gateway to scuba diving. This is highly recommended to somebody who is keen to try SCUBA Diving for the first time, but has limited time or budget. We find this to be a very popular option for tourists and holiday makers who only spend a few days in Jeffreys Bay or St. Francis and who would like to sample several activities, including SCUBA diving.


The refresher course includes a pool session and one guided ocean dive.  This is ideal for somebody who got certified a while back, but feel they lack confidence due to not diving often enough.

Open Water 20

The Open Water Diver course is an entry-level certification course for new divers.
Get Scuba Certified in 3 Steps:
1. Study & Pass the online course
2. Complete Water Skills Training
3. Go Scuba Diving!
RAID Advanced 35

RAID Advanced 35

The RAID Advanced 35 course truly is an ‘advanced recreational diver program’. It is an exciting, fun program designed that will increase your skills and understanding of the important core areas of diving, In addition, it will also provide you with advanced diver knowledge that will increase your understanding of dive theory to an incredibly high level.