Dive Log - 22 April to 2 May 2011


We had to cancel our Dive for Earth Day due to gale-force easterly winds. A new date will be set for this important event so be sure to check out our important dates menu on our website

Our first launch was only on Sunday 24 April. Due to the easterly wind causing huge swell picking up sand on its way over the reefs our visibility was limited to about 3 metres. Some of the PADI Open Water Diver Students managed to do their dives in low viz with strong surge.

On Monday Cristof did his qualifying dives and a big congrats to our PADI Open Water Diver. During the week we managed to get some more theory, pool sessions and discover scuba experiences done.

Huge was our surprise on Saturday 30 April when we dived Discovery Channel Reef and had 10m plus viz with 18 deg water on the reef. A nice 2,5m raggy was spotted by Natasha who also did her first ocean dives. Congrats to Jaco who did his qualifying dive and is now also a qualified PADI Open Water Diver. On Sunday we went further out to sea and dived an unknown spot about 1km east of Flat Rock Reef. The easterly had picked up again and choppy seas made the boat launch and trips quite fun. The top 10m was crystal clear but at the bottom approx 2m viz awaited us. Some big Geelbek were spotted and fish were in abundance during all the dives over the past two weekends. A few photos.