Dive Log - 28 Dec 2011 - Dive 1

Nudi GillsGoing where few divers has gone before...

With a couple of days left of 2011, Jeffreys Bay pulled out the most incredible holiday weather with prevailing calms seas, low winds and warm water. African Waters Scuba has been doing so many launches, that we struggle to keep track of it all. (We do have the indemnity forms and dive register for each dive so can check it if we need to!) The viz has been absolutaly incredible several days in a row.

Since the weather and viz was so great, word spread like wild fire and we did two dives on the day. One on Little Chelsea and the other one we went to find some caves in a spot we will probably call Caves. With both dives the dive times were over 50 minutes each and some of the easy breathers still had air left after the dive. Paul went along on both dives, shooting super macro on the first dive, and then switching to his fisheye for the second launch which was around 14:00 the afternoon.


Dive 1

Highlights of the dive was the fact that there were lots of nudis, and we spotted a particular one that was not seen before. Paul had his macro lens on a super macro setting, which caused some frustration because it magnified so much he could often not frame a whole specimen in one shot and had to go for partially cropped shots. It did however open up even further details and shows things that are not visible to the naked eye. Among the interesting details we revealed are the gills of a nudi, as well as minute anemones which are almost translucent. Paul remarked after the dive that he actually stopped taking photos at some point and just gazed at the amazing clean water and the biodiversity on the reef.

Top temperature was reported as 21 degrees with a bottom temperature of 20 degrees which is quite amazing. The viz was between 15m and 20m.